If you’ve been injured, and it’s someone else’s fault, you might be able to claim compensation.
Contact me to see if you can make an injury claim. I’ve been helping people like you for 25 years.
A serious injury can change your life, in an instant. As well as pain and suffering, you can lose your income, and your plans for your future. You’re faced with an unknown situation. How do you start to make sense of what’s happened to you?
Your position is unique, and I focus on you, not the injury, to help you access the help you need to rebuild your life. I guide you through the legal process, and provide practical support with non-legal matters, like dealing with insurers, banks, bills and accommodation for you. I’m always there to offer help and support, whenever you need it.
A claim for injury compensation can help you start to get your life back together. The settlement allows you to have the support and financial security you need.
By helping so many people like you in the past, I know the best experts who can help you in other important ways. For example, medical specialists, barristers, benefits advisers, or architects specialising in housing adaptations.
It’s a personalised service, built around you and you are at the heart of everything I do.